We did character profiles of Pudsey in English
Some created a new friend for Pudsey.
As well as paying a £1 to wear our P.J's, we brought in pennies and 2 p pieces to make a copper trail around school. Each class put their coins down . We tried to get all round the school and we did! A grand total of 55.5m of coins.
Class 3 putting their coins down.
Can we get all round the school?
...joining class 2's coins...
...up the steps into the practical room...
...round to class 3...
...almost done...
Isaac had the idea to measure the total length of the trail.
Now we knew the length of the trail and the width of 1p and 2 p coins we estimated how much money we would collect. We estimated £55.50.
We then collected the coins in ready to count them.
Class 3 counting and bagging up the coins.
Only £31.79-why? We tried to answer this. Was it because the coins were not touching each other? Did we measure the exact trail -on top of the actual coins? Do the 1p coins measure exactly 1cm?
Wow the coins were heavy! How heavy?We all had a go at lifting the tray with them all in. Some thought 20kg, others thought more. Mrs Padgett thought about 10kg. She was the closest-it was 12kg
In total we raised £111.79 and have lots of data ready for our maths lessons next week. Perfect as we are learning about Data Handling!