On Wednesday class 3 were invited to Totemic in Grantham .We were collected and when we arrived, after waiting in reception for the rest of the group to arrive( allowing time to read the Financial Times! )we were given a tour of the building( we had to listen carefully as there was a quiz later in the day!).
Boys did this without prompting and seemed quite at ease with the papers.
After that we split into 4 groups and completed different activities. 1 group made chocolate chip and mini marshmallow muffins .
This was followed by being taught about food allergens and how to look closely at the ingredients in order to find this information out.
Another group went to the document handling department. Here they found out about ( and did!)opening all the mail the company receives, processing the data on the computer and scanning it to Lisbon,storing it ,packing and sealing the new post.
entering data into the computer
getting envelopes ready
learning about the sorting and sealing machine( so quick)
ready to feed the paper in for the post
packing the envelopes
real post!
an amazing machine
doing a quiz to check they had listened and understood
Next baking group
ready to mix and make
now for the food allergens
How to answer the phones and deal with customers.
Holding music played in the background whilst children took other calls.
It department-computer repairs.
Time to take the computer apart and find and fix the problem-under supervision this was keenly done.
Next job please...
Customer relations -Marston style.
Hello, how may I help you?
Hard at work.
Lunch time
We were treated to burgers and chips, juice, ice cream with chocolate and wafers. Yummy!
Time to see how to get down from floor 4 without using the lift in case of fire using the Evac-Chair! Unfortunately it had to be an adult in the chair!
holding on-just incase the chair tipped!
the view down with class 3 watching!
and down very smoothly
why was I worried?
Group photo
Back in school looking at our Freebies-
what's inside the bag?
Post-it pads. Now what can we do with these ( apart from the obvious of course?)
A game-who am I? Yes or no answers only please.
A good day.
Now we know a little bit about real life jobs and what is involved.
Thank you Totemic - we had a great day, learnt lots and were treated like royalty.