Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Bike Wise

12 Year 5 children have undergone intensive Bike Wise training  over 2 days. They worked all through the rain on Monday and were literally soaked to the skin at the end.
                                                        Getting ready with High Vis jackets on.
Checking all understand what is going to happen.

First day so on the school playground initially to check bikes are safe and correct for the road.

All fine so far....

in fact, all is good so far....

Plenty of layers to keep the rain and cold out ( or so we thought!)

Almost ready for the road.

Safety first-instructors and the front and end of our group.

Much better when it is not raining!

And off they go...

All that is left now is for the children to show the instructors that they know what to do correctly and safely in order to gain their Bike Wise badges and certificates.

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