Friday, June 22, 2018

Year 6's visit to Lincoln Cathedral

Just before half term Y 6 visited Lincoln Cathedral for the Church School's Festival.Our first activity was stone masonry. 2 of the 13 stone masons who work at the cathedral talked to us , showed us how to handle some of their tools and let us have a go on a huge block of local limestone. We were also given a small block for us to carve our own designs.

We had special tools and some designs that we could use to help us.

Safety goggles on, instructions given and away we go! Not easy.

Josh managed to chip away a lot of stone but I'm not sure he was creating a new carving rather more enjoying using the huge hammer!

Our next part of the day was a tour of the cathedral. In St.Gilbert's Choir, Arthur lit a candle as we all had a quiet moment of reflection. We leaned the pots represented the monks( the tall ones), the nuns( the short round ones) and St. Gilbert( the lumpy, bumpy one as he was supposedly covered in warts!)

Sitting in the new service area in the Angel Choir with its beautiful carved lectern, altar and chairs.

The Lincoln Imp- we later found out the Legend was about 2 imps, one escaped and 1 was turned to stone and permanently looks down from the Angel Choir.
Looking at areas of interest: the stone carvings,the apprentice wall, the stained glass windows and much more.

Next we had a choral workshop.

After lunch we had a service celebrating the end of Y6's primary school journey.
5 children read prayers as part of the service.

3 children paraded our banner at the end of the service.

We leanred a lot ready to make our Welcome to Lincoln Cathedral leaflets once back at school.

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