All Y6 wrote( for homework) and delivered their speeches to the school on Tuesday this week.
Gold finches ready to make their pledges ...
Daniel started the ball rolling...
and Megan...
And Harry...
Harry asked questions getting children to join in.
Who thinks a good house captain should be...?
Annie was the final Gold Finch.
Next was the Green Woodpeckers ...
and Lucy.
Kingfishers next...

Lloyd had a few props with him...
pictures ...
and a wand...
Mathilda next...
and Holly.
Final group: Robins...Leah,Josef...
and Lucy.
Well done to all- some excellent speeches.
We said a prayer to ask everyone to make a good vote and choose the best House Captain for their house( not an easy task).
Bike Wise.
12 children undertook their Bike Wise training.This involved bike checks, riding safely, road work and High Way code work spread over 2 days with 2 tutors teaching, coaching and supporting them.
Everyone passed -well done.
Dance: the Haka- Anglo Saxon version.
Beth is now starting to teach us an Anglo Saxon version of the Haka with movements that are linked to the work we are doing in History ( and English).
Warm up first- lead by us!
Start of the Haka...
In our groups we had to tell a story using 4 movements based on some part of Anglo Saxon life .
Next week these groups will need to teach the missing Bike Wise children.
RE: Beautiful World, Wonderful God.
Children were asked to bring in natural objects that they thought fitted with the title Beautiful World, Wonderful God. Not many remembered!
Abigail brought in an onion ( with her microscope to look at slides)
Anna brought a necklace...
Benji some gems and crystals.
Feathers from Carise.
Gem stones from Holly.
A seed case from Brooke.
Shells from Megan.
Hot Seating in English.
Asking India about the start of her journey by boat to Angleland.
Harmony also was asked to tell about her journey.
Lots of qestions to generate ideas for our writing.
Graham is halfway through the 6 week programmes training class 3 to deliver activities at break time.This week groups had to devise games , explain them to their peers and then play them.