We have just finished Unit 2 spellings and start unit 3 on Monday for the next 2 weeks.
In Maths we created our own "Odd One Out" activities and tested them out on each other. From 4 simple numbers or shapes we came up with over 23 different reasons why they could be the odd one out.

How many different answers can we find?
Half of the class were missing doing Bikewise so the rest of us enjoyed our maths investigations.
Our Cross Country team competed in their final race at The Meres. Our girls team of Georgie, Chloe T, Veranika,Amelia, Jordan and Chloe J came 8th out of 16 schools. Georgie was 19th overall and Chloe T 22nd out of 75 girls. Well done to all.
Our boys team saved their best resuts for the last race with Sam W coming 3rd, Anthony 4th and Oliver 6th .rOverall we came FIRST out of the 17 school taking part. We are now the champions for the 2nd yeas in a row- a fantastic effort. The rest of our team consisted of Isaac, Daniel, Sam T, Matthew, James and Jay. We were presented with a trophy and medals-watch out for the Journal photos.
As well as the team event, Sam W came 3rd overall as an individual having finished 1st, 5th and 3rd in the 3 races. A super effort Sam.
Our successful team of boys.
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