learning about the 400 year old tree
why it is being supported by posts
how saplings of the original have been grown and make up part of the orchard
how some of the tree was sent into space
class 3 infront of the apple tree
We had 3 groups with 3 activities: a tour round Isaac Newtons house, a rocket making and firing session and a visit to the science centre.
Rocket making...
rockets ready to be tested and fired.
Which will travel the furthest?
Next group making their rockets.
careful cutting was required
Rocket launch time...
Ready for launching-Henry the Hoover was the power source.
It was raining for the first group-so as well as keeping themselves dry, the rockets were also in danger of getting wet!
Whose will go the furthest or highest?
Will it go over the wall at the bottom of the yard?
What happens if we change the angle?
Oops! How did that happen?
Whose rocket?
A damaged nose cone- repair will be needed before another round of firing !
next group...
looks as if this rocket went high in the sky
launching to see whose can travel the furthest
Science Centre
Why do planets stay in space?
trying to see for ourselves

learning about telescopes
time to explore
Representing Galileo- which will land first- the heavy or light object?predicting and testing and then reasoning why.
What does this group think?
What about paper falling- 1 scrunched up, 1 not?
This group had heard about Galileo the Italian scientist who formulated the basic law of falling bodies.
Learning about forces and Newtons laws.
Joseph knew the laws which impressed our guide Viv.
Turning the air machine on and investigating the laws further.
Looking at light and learning what Isaac Newton discovered about white light.
using prisms and lenses to split white light and to make white light again.
These special glasses also split light into the rainbow colours. We now have some back at school to use.
Exploring lots of amazing facts about light and the patterns that can be made and how they are made.
Learning about forces and Newtons laws.
Learning that the primary colours of light are different to the primary colours in paint!
Time to explore and investigate...
what will happen if...?
Thank you to all the volunteers at Woolsthorpe Manor who helped make our visit and enjoyable and educational one.
Back at school....
girls investigating light on our interactive display
using the prisms and glasses
Well done girls for spotting the new equipment and questions to explore.
ReplyDeleteEleanor and Sarah Johnson here. We thought it would be nice to have a look back at the school website. Can't quite believe we left 10 years ago!
We were just looking at these pictures and we're amazed to see your guide Viv. She was Sarah's form tutor in year 7 and physics teacher in year 8 at Stamford! Such a small world.
Best wishes and hope you're all well!
Eleanor and Sarah