Sunday, July 15, 2012


More PGL photos.

Fun - all smiles.
Year 6 at the end of our day.

More photos from PGL will follow later in the term as they are rather slow to upload!
On Monday Year 6 enjoyed a visit to PGl at Caythorpe- an end of term treat. We had archery and high ropes as our activities. No problems with archery- all you had to do was hit the target but high ropes....they were high.( I know as I did them a few years ago-tree tops high!) Some children were confident, some less so, but ALL 13 children went round the course at least twice.Well done those that overcame their fear of heights- courage and determination - shown in abundance. I hope the photos are named correctly as it is hard to tell from on the ground who is who!Apologies if I get it wrong!

take aim...

fire.What score Harry?

Next group.

Good action-Luke and Holly.

Looking good.

Now for the High Ropes.
Steady does it Tadhg.
Emma-looking down-(I didn't dare look down when I didi it!)
Luke? Setting out.

Katie's turn.

Holding on tightly.

James-determined and  ready to go.

Round we go again.


Back in class we have continued problem solving in Maths and have now finished reading Kensukes's Kingdom in English( or at least that was the homework set on Friday for Y5!) On Monday we will discuss and share our opinions about the novel.
Y 6 are busy planning their leavers service-4 days left....where did the time go?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week of July 6th

This week there were are new spellings instead we are looking at Greek root words ,prefixes and suffixes .Children are completing investigations in school so no new spellings to learn. We have had a big push on updating our Live and Learn Legacy Logs and now all children have completed at least Bronze level . Mr.Davies finished teaching us this week and is now looking forward to his new job teaching Y 6 in Northants. We had fun in maths on Friday investigating and solving puzzles - see below for our photos. We are really good at predicting,looking for patterns and investigating . All year 6 have now visited their new schools and are looking forward to being Y 7's. I hope the y5's are getting ready to step into their shoes!Where has the year gone!

Bronze certificate winners.

A mix of Bronze and Silver certificates.

Holly working out how many squares can be made using 20 art straws.

Trying a different idea out.

Luke and Jamie's solution. It's good to talk to a partner.

Harry, Katie and James are confident they have solved the problem. 

Holly- determined to find the most squares.

 Are we allowed to overlap straws?
Do diagonals help?

We need more time on Monday to finish the problem...