Friday, November 16, 2012

Children in Need

 We had a fun filled morning wearing our pyjamas- all in a good cause for Children in Need.
We did character profiles of Pudsey in English
Some created a new friend for Pudsey.
 As well as paying a £1 to wear our P.J's, we brought in pennies and 2 p pieces to make a copper trail around school. Each class put their coins down . We tried to get all round the school and we did! A grand total of 55.5m of coins.
Class 3 putting their coins down.
Can we get all round the school?
...joining class 2's coins...
...up the steps into the practical room...
...round to class 3...
...almost done...
Isaac had the idea to  measure the total length of the trail.
Now we knew the length of the trail and the width of 1p and 2 p coins we estimated how much money we would collect. We estimated £55.50.

We then collected the coins in ready to count them.

Class 3 counting and bagging up the coins.

Only £31.79-why? We tried to answer this. Was it because the coins were not touching each other? Did we measure the exact trail -on top of the actual coins? Do the 1p coins measure exactly 1cm?

Wow the coins were heavy! How heavy?We all had a go at lifting the tray with them all in. Some thought 20kg, others thought more. Mrs Padgett thought about 10kg. She was the closest-it was 12kg

In total we raised £111.79 and have lots of data ready for our maths lessons next week. Perfect as we are learning about Data Handling!

2 weeks up to November 16th

A busy start to the new half term in class 3.

 We finished writing our poems about Blizzard the owl-look at our work on the Wonderful Writing display in school. In English we have had fun imagining what it would be like to live in the future and writing continuations for our science fiction story-A Rag A Bone and a Hank of Hair.

Our certificate winners were Maddy and Anthony for their art work and Ben for being a brilliant monitor at parents evening.
Maddy and Andrew were our raffle ticket winners.
We enjoyed our science lesson learning about pitch and sound. Using art straws we tried to find the highest and lowest sounds. Some of us needed to take our straws home to keep trying!
We all enjoy our Golden Time and our stacking cups are great fun.
Our football team played in the primary schools football tournament on Thursday, proudly wearing the new kit that FOMs bought for us.
We played4 matches-won 1, drew 1 and lost 2( by1 goal each time). We played well as a team but unfortunately just could not get the ball past their goalies!
Our new kit !

Sunday, November 4, 2012

BISI Badminton

A team of 6 took part in a badminton skills based festival.

Our team of 6
Through the hoop and back again.
Stamp  and catch the flying shuttles.
Hit the shuttle into the hoops.

All finished-pity it was not scored as we had a good team .

week ending 25th Oct

We had a busy last week of term.We had a visit from Blizzard the owl on Tuesday to help us with our writing.Blizzard soon got bored of just sitting on his perch and tried exploring the bean bags and chairs in the book corner.
"Now that she is reading poems I will jsut see what I can find in this bag...."
Writing our own ideas.
Blizzard vetting our work.
Now we have the ideas we just need time to finalise our thoughts and to create some verses and writing inspired by Blizzard.

Book Week

We had a busy last week befor half term.House Captains and the rest of year 6 all helped to organise activities for Book Day. Children in Austen, Bronte, Dickens and Shakespeare enjoyed decorating biscuits,making book marks, making masks, doing word searches and colouring activities. Year 6 even judged and provided prizes for winners in each house.
Class 3 all dressed up ready for Book Day activities.

Dickens house.

Bronte house.
Austen house
Shakespeare house
Quiz time...
Year 6 asking the questions.
A fun day was had by all.