Sunday, July 1, 2018

Mr.Caton's Last Day

In the afternoon we played a few games :year 5 versus year 6. It was so hot that we stayed in the hall and did some badminton based games, kurling and boccia.

getting points  for successful rallies...

5, 10 15 20 points ...

After wards we enjoyed ice cream outside.

Plenty of sauces to go on the ice cream.

Seconds for everyone- no cones left so Ben just had the last bit of ice cream straight from the tub!

Sooooo hot!

Inside we presented Mr. Caton with a few things to help him in his next school: a tin with teacher essentials in and a folder for important documents. He also got his own Dojo cushion to help him remember us by.

Thank you Mr. Caton- we all enjoyed the time you spent at Marston with us. Good luck in your new job( we will be competitors in some festivals now!)