Friday, May 24, 2013

Maths Week 20th-24th May

Monday saw class 3 making maths games for use later in the week. Children were given the task and decided themselves what type of game, who it would be suitable for and they then designed and made their games...

ideas for questions...
team work...
starting to make...
question cards...
the board...

almost ready...
Playimg our games with parents ...
with other children...
We won £1,000,000! Pity it is only a game!
On Tuesday we researched famous mathematicians.We had to find out why they were famous, what they found out or  did relating to maths,what they looked like, when they lived and any other intersting facts. Once we had all this we had to make posters and present our fndings to our peers

who else???
Why famous???
Codes in WW-does that count?
Maths as well as an author...
Sharing with the class.
One of the best posters-well done !
On Wednesday we had the Happy Puzzle Company in. Here we worked in teams and completed as many puzzles as we could .
Can we get all the peguins onto the wobbly iceberg ?

Steady does it!
Can we make a track with no dead ends?
Where does the roundabout go?
Try this... 
Making the tower.
How are others getting on?
Does this fit?
On Wednesday Mrs Pask devised and set up 2 maths trails for us.
We had to find the clues and answer the questions.
another clue found
now where?
another clue
recording our scores
More to follow-but a tatse of maths week...maths has never been so good.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 13th May

SAT's for Y6!
After the tests Y6 enjoyed a daily  choosing session. This is what one session looked like.

Y5 had a cross curricular topic linked to our science topic of plants.  The aim was to design and make a scarecrow that would do 2 jobs-to attract insects as well as scare aware birds .Mrs Pask planned an investigation to discover what colours attracted insects . Y5 collected the data and then designed and made their scarecrows.
What colours do we need to use?

Using the colours we found were best to attract insects.

Designing and making.


Look out for pictures of them doing their job in the garden outside class1.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week 3-maths, RE, cricket and English.

In maths we are revisiting the 4 rules of number and designing our own "How Do You...?" posters. These are to be displayed on our learning wall and used to support learning . The maths talk and language that this is generating is excellent. It has also thrown up some methods that children have forgotten and we have therefore revisited these - a valuable revision exercise.
First we brainstormed and planned on white boards,

sharing and discussing our ideas,

coming up with "Top Tips"s
thinking of visual images to support learning,

and finally compiling our posters.
How do you add, subtract, multiply and divide?
In RE we have continued exploring the Bible.Andrew brought in a selection of different types for us. These included a toddlers version, a lift the flap one, a study version and
many more. The class enjoyed looking at these, noting the many different styles.
Wow-so many different Bibles,

a Bible to suit everyone,

In English we are using the film One Man Band . It has no dialogue so we are using various ways to generate our own ideas for dialogue. Hot Seating as the 3 main characters is a good one to start with.
Questions to the Brass Player.
What is your name? Where are you?How long have you been playing the trumpet?What is your favourite instrument?

To the little girl-Do you come here often? How old are you? When did you learn to play the violin?

To the violin player.
Did you make your violin?
Lots of question and answers using inference and deduction.
Cricket in the sunshime. At last we got onto the field to play cricket. First we had to practise our skills.
Long barrier...

and wicket keeping.