Friday, July 15, 2016

Dojo winners treat

The children suggested a picnic as their reward for gaining the most dojos so the first sunny morning when nothing else was planned  off they went with Mrs Barnes and Mrs Millar...
First jam sandwiches were made in school, then picnic rugs and play equipment packed and time to walk to the Village Hall....
it's the sismsple pleasures that are best....

exploring the play equipment

great fun

a great photo pyramid

mmmm....chin up...


Push harder...Mrs Millar, Mrs Barnes help us please?

it's hard work!

time for a change

and now for some cricket...

great action shot

everyone had a bat

picnic time

now for the last bit of playtime...
well for some any way! Eaten too much?

can we all get on here?

Great fun- "better than PGL" was one comment from the children on their return to school.

End of term maths...

The more formal lessons have now finished but we are still working hard in maths lessons trying to use everything we have learned this year.
Splat...times tables

who can answer first and splat their opposition?

2 teams competing

team members getting involved

who knew times tables could be this fun?

Using an ITP- 'I am thinking of a number,' Year 6 are in charge of this activity- asking the questions and getting children to explain their reasons.

Can the class work out the number? how many clues are needed?

More from Y6 next week.