Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bridge Challenge March 21st

Last week was National Science and Engineering week so on Thursday class 3 had a cross curricular bridge-themed day . In groups children had to plan, make models and finally make a bridge using  only the materils provided that would hold a weight without collapsing.
Children researched bridges  and possible designs, made prototypes using kits before finally constructing their art straw bridges.

Looks good but will it work using art straws?
Team work and planning together.
Testing out ideas.
What if....
Will it work?
Lots of ideas.
Try this...
Just testing.
Almost ready.
Mrs Richardson judged the bridges and prizes were awared to the winning teams(Team Awesome,Team James andTeam Marshmallow). Photos to follow.
 .A prize for the best folder was also awarded to Pippa.

March 14th and 15th

March 14th was National Pi Day so class 3 spent the day focusing our lessons with a Pi/ circle theme.
In maths we looked at what Pi was(3.14159.....) and investigated problems and patterns associated with Pi. We drew circle patterns using compasses and found out facts about Pi. Did you know Einstein's birthday was also March 14th? Our work is now displayed in our classroom.

In PE we created a circle dance to Steps 5,6,7,8 song. It was videoed and hopefully will be Blogged at a later date. Great fun!

Friday 15th was Red Nose Day and some of  class 3 baked cakes with help from Mrs Millar.

Sam and Amelia aprons on and ready...
Cracking eggs-no problem- or so Anthony thought.
Another dozen almost ready thanks to Oliver.
Team work from Georgie and Veranika.
They managed 6 dozen all iced and ready for sale at mornimg break!

                           Phew! Ready for the rush at break time. All cakes were sold in record time!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


We had both rounds of our league matches last week. On Wednesday we played 2 matches and won both. We played Isaac Newton's B team and Huntingtower.
It was very cold!

Sam going for goal.
Pippa-aim -shoot- score.
The netball courts at Walton seem huge compared to our tiny court!
It's mine!
A good start winning both matches. Can we do the same tomorrow ?
On Thursday we played 3 matches agianst Ropsley, Allington and Ingoldsby.
Will it/ won't it? Looking good to score another goal.
We were now playing like a team-passing well, defending and scoring goals.
Our winning team at Queensway site having won all our league matches.
We did it!

Sportshall Athletics

2 teams were entered into the indoor Sportshall Athletics events held on 25th February and 11th March. Children had to complete a jump and a run. Jumps were either standing long jump, vertical jump or speed bounce. Runs were either 2 or 4 lap races.

After the first week we were 1/2 a point behind first place for our Y6 boys team.

Amy joined the Y5 girls to make up our Y5 team.

The boys really tried their hardest during the 2nd round and ended up with runners up medals.
Well done boys.

Maths Fraction Games

Just before half term children were asked to use and apply their knowledge and understanding about fractions .The challenge was to design a game that the clas could then play. We had such a variety of ideas and the class enjoyed testing, playing and  evaluating  the games.





All tried , everyone enjoyed playing and answering the questions that different grouos had set.
Target met!