Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bird feeders and bird cake making

During our creative day with birds as our theme, everyone had the opportunity to make either a bird feeder of some bird cake.
The bird feeder group with their recycled bottles ready to be turned into bird feeders.

cutting the holes for the birds

filling with seed mix

string tied and feeders ready

we plan to put a few out each week when we return after half term

lucky birds

9 home made feeders ready for winter
Rory chose to hang his in the corner of the field for bird to use in half term

Hannah hung hers in our Bird Heaven

Making bird cake...
not everyone liked to get their hands in the melted lard!

once made we scooped the mix into our own fat balls or hanging feeders

another group melting the lard

grating cheese
adding raisins

threading the string into the fat ball holders
getting the mix ready

bird cake and fat balls all ready for use in winter

Science -investigating air resistance

In science this week we had to investigate the force of air resistance. We designed a fair test to see the effect of air resistance on paper falling from the same height.We made our predictions and then tested them out.
 We were ok to stand on chairs in order to give us a bit more height-some groups designated a "minder" to guard the person standing on chairs.
Everyone had a job to do: drop the paper, watch to ensure everything was completed in the same way to ensure a fair test,time the fall and record the times.

We used a variety of devices to time to give us fractions of a second : i pads, Interactive smart board, Mrs Chadwick's phone and timers.

 The classroom was a hive of activity with all groups checking and retesting where necessary.

Luckily we  able to borrow i pads from class 1 and 2 to help us.

just ensuring height is exactly the same

Our predictions were roved- our results showed that the larger the surface area the longer it took the paper to fall to the ground.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Woolsthorpe Manor visit

On 5th October class 3 visited Woolsthorpe Manor as part of our science topic. To start with we watched a short film all about Isaac Newton as well as looking at and learning all about the famous apple tree.
learning about the 400 year old tree

 why it is being supported by posts

how saplings of the original have been grown and make up part of the orchard

how some of the tree was sent into space

class 3 infront of the apple tree

 We had 3 groups with 3 activities: a tour round Isaac Newtons house, a rocket making and firing session and a visit to the science centre.
                                                                    Rocket making...

rockets ready to be tested and fired.
Which will travel the furthest?

Next group making their rockets.

careful cutting was required

Rocket launch time...

Ready for launching-Henry the Hoover was the power source.

It was raining for the first group-so as well as keeping themselves dry, the rockets were also in danger of getting wet!

                                                    3rd group making their rockets.

Whose will go the furthest or highest?

Will it go over the wall at the bottom of the yard?

What happens if we change the angle?

Oops! How did that happen?

Whose rocket?

A damaged nose cone- repair will be needed before another round of firing !

next group...

looks as if this rocket went high in the sky
launching to see whose can travel the furthest

Science Centre 

Why do planets stay in space?

trying to see for ourselves

learning about telescopes

time to explore

Representing Galileo- which will land first- the heavy or light object?predicting and testing and then reasoning why.

What does this group think?
What about paper falling- 1 scrunched up, 1 not?

This group had heard about Galileo the Italian scientist who formulated the basic law of falling bodies.

Learning about forces and Newtons laws.

Joseph knew the laws which impressed our guide Viv.

Turning the air machine on and investigating the laws further.

Looking at light and learning what Isaac Newton discovered about white light.

using prisms and lenses to split white light and to make white light again.

These special glasses also split light into the rainbow colours. We now have some back at school to use.

Exploring lots of amazing facts about light and the patterns that can be made and how they are made.

Learning about forces and Newtons laws.

Learning that the primary colours of light are different to the primary colours in paint!
Time to explore and investigate...

what will happen if...?

Thank you to all the volunteers at Woolsthorpe Manor who helped make our visit and enjoyable and educational one.

Back at school....

girls investigating light on our interactive display

using the prisms and glasses

Well done girls for spotting the new equipment and questions to explore.