Friday, December 5, 2014

Fossils, Play Leaders and some displays in class 3.

In our Topic we have been learning about Charles Darwin and the origin of species. This week we have looked at evidence of past life in the form of fossils . Several children brought in fossils and we spent a session looking at these and trying to identify them. We had lots of ammonites, sharks teeth,some brachiopods and  a couple of trilobites to name a few. Mrs Richardson brought in a huge piece of amber complete with encased and fully preserved  insect.
looking and discussing how the insect became preserved in the amber

Vincent brought in a part of his collection together with a poster to help identify the fossils

Elise shared her collection ,fact files were available to help the class find out what the fossils were eg ammonites were sea creatures related to squid.

Megan brought in a case together with a book to help identify her fossils.

                                George sharing some of his fossils-possibly some plant fossils.We learned trilobites could be up to 70cm long.We could see the 3 sections of the creature-hence its name.

A close up of Megans collection.

The amber proved fascinating.

Fossils shared-more Christmas work as this sharing was first thing the following morning  after our Topic lesson when children brought in even more fossils and the class had the opportunity to look and discuss these before lessons began.
Thomas and Matthew had a huge case full of fossils for everyone to look at.

Isabella has shared her fossils and now is focusing on the present-her Christmas Folder work.
                         Serena and Sophie brought in fossils-sharks teeth and a brachiopod.

  Ethan brought in a fossil from Morocco.

Georges trilobite.

The amber was a tactile object and children were also keen to see if it smelled of anything.

                                            Megan carefully packing her collection away.
Thank you to all who brought their fossils in- much better than looking at photos.

For homework children had to find our about fossils or try to make their own! Here are a few original ideas that children came up with...
                                          Ethan showing his home made replica fossil

More home made fossils and items preserved in amber(honey!)

close up of the amber that Jess and Jasper made

Isabella made her own too

                                                                Jasper and his leaf fossil

                                                                             and his amber
Very creative homework class 3.

Play Leaders
This week children had to prepare a game to play with others. They had to explain to the group what it entailed and then actually play it.

                                                                Explaining their ideas
showing the equipment to be used

making sure everyone is ready and understands

                                                                     trying games out

next game, next leaders turn
Ready next week for their assessment to see if they have achieved the required standards to become Play Leaders.

Chimney Sweep Poem Display and Abstract Noun Poetry .

Chimney Sweep poetry based on Wes Magees poem.
The washing line has our Victorian inventions time line.
Our abstract noun poems-love, hate, fear, war... to name a few.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Carbon Ambassadors, Play Leaders and RE in class 3.

Carbon Ambassadors

Our 4 Y6 Carbon Ambassadors presented an assembly to the school asking everyone to come to school on Friday with a 'green accessory'.The children then tried to explain why a green accessory was relevant to the ambassadors. They talked about how we were trying to save money and cut down on wasted electricity and showed graphs relating to our school.

 They explained the peaks( sleep over night) and troughs( weekends)on the graph and explained on Friday they were taking several meter readings hoping we would be able to show we had remembered simple things like closing doors to keep heat in, turning lights off at break times hopefully save the school money.

Play Leaders
Mrs Key from Inspire+ is training class 3 as Play Leaders. They have learned the theory and talked about possible issues that occur at break and why they happen and how to prevent them eg. people having no one to play with.Now they are learning how to involve children n games, how to pick teams quickly and fairly and how to lead the actual games.

All learning how to work as a team involving everyone.

RE with Reverend Lillian
We have been looking at colours in RE and associated feelings and emotions and our next lesson was to look at colours in the church. Reverend Lillian came into class with lots of items that had special  colour significance . She showed us vestments  chasubles and stoles that she wore in different church seasons.We discussed the colours and what they represented in the church and compared these to our previous work thinking about colours.We learned all about the church seasons and at the end we ordered ourselves in church season order wearing and holding the items Rev. Lillian brought in. We made a circle to show that the seasons start again and are like a circle. 

The multi colours stole is worn in "ordinary time " and 
Can we remember the order?

Just checking we have got it right.

A super way to learn about the colours and what they represent in church.

Golden Time
 More stacking cup creations in Golden Time. Here some Y6 girls made a William Morris design ( a Victorian artist we have looked at in art).

Very creative .