Friday, September 29, 2017

House Captain speeches and Peer marking in English.

Its that time of year when new house captains are to be selected by the school. On Tuesday all Y6 gave their speeches to the school stating why they should be house captain.They really had made an excellent effort and they made an excellent job of presenting to the school.

Robins ...

Green Woodpeckers


Gold finches

All year 6 .

Votes are now being taken from everyone in school.Results will be announced next week.

In English we have been writing about a film we saw.The film had no speech at all so we have been writing our own. Here Y5 paired up with a Y6 to help them edit and peer assess their work. Everybody took their roles seriously with Y5 benefiting from Y6's experience. 

Thank you Y6- you were excellent with Y5 passing on your knowledge .

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Roald Dahl Day and Golden Time in class 3.

Wednesday 13th is Roald Dahl Day and we celebrated by either wearing something yellow( Dahl's favourite colour), dress up as one of his characters or wear items of clothing inside out or back to front! All 28 and the adults got into the spirit...ready for our morning work based around Roald Dahl.
Our first group of  characters from...
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...
from The Fantastic Mr.Fox...

Wearing inside out and (some) back to front- including shoes!

Wearing yellow or something yellow.

From Mathilda, Danny Champion of the World and The Enormous Crocodile..

Arthur, Josef and Wilf all entering in the spirit ( thanks mum / dad for getting 3 costumes ready!)as an Umpa Lumpa, Augustus Gloop and back to front and inside out!
We had great fun making Gobblefunk words- watch out for our dictionary we are compiling in class. A splendiforous  morning class 3 !

Friday, September 8, 2017

New Term...New Class 3...maths lesson.

We have been working on place value in maths and played games to demonstrate our understanding- great fun!From our 5 digit number we had to roll the dice and if a 5 was rolled we could take away 5 or 50 or 500 or 5,000 or 50,000 if we had a 5 in our starting number.We then had to record what we were left with- the 'winner' was the first one to reach zero.
table 6 working in pairs

table 1

table 2
table 3

table 4

table 5

our new class working together

George knew I was taking a photo and he'd just won against Arthur so decided to ' celebrate ' for the camera!
A good start to the week.