Saturday, January 13, 2018

RE, Reading Den and Science in class 3.

In RE children had to design and complete a banner that represented either Love, Holy Spirit, Celebration or \Mystery as part of our RE topic focusing on Spirited Arts. As well as the banner they had to write 'art gallery' notes to accompany their design. Children were then interviewed by their peers whilst showing their work and explaining what they had drawn and what it represented.
Children came up with some excellent banners and had clear ideas as to what they represented.

Our Reading Den being used in wet playtime to play games.

Science work constructing circuits and investigating the effect of adding another bulb or wire.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Our Reading Den

We have bought a new reading den for our class room- we chose a den, a rug, cushions and a book caurosel to make our reading area more exciting.
The top 3  dojo winners chose a partner each to use the den for the first time.

Stage Lighting with Mr Watson

After the Christmas Play( on Christmas Jumper Day) Mr Watson always comes into school the next morning to show Y6 how to work the stage lights. Y 6 split into 2 groups and enjoyed learning all about controlling the lights realising that it was not that easy!
working the control deck...

learning to light up part of the stage as well as the whole stage

Thank you Mr Watson.

Christmas Tree Festival

Mrs Ballaam took some Y6 to church to decorate the school tree for the village Christmas Tree Festival.

Each class made decoration with Mrs Ballaam and these 6 decorated our school tree.

The tree looked lovely - good job everyone.

Maths Investigation with Y5

After we had learned about square numbers Y5 tried an investigation called 'Circling the square.' The aim was to use the provided numbers placing them in a circle so that 2 adjacent numbers equalled a square number. Children wolked in pairs trying to solve the problem.

Harry and William were the first pair to use all the nubers and to solve the problem- they shared their solution on the interactive board.

Y6 visit to Priory Ruskin Performing arts depatment

Y6 were invited to Priory Ruskin to take part in a music workshop with 6th form students and to see them perform a mini pantomime.

A great day using different percussion instruments.