Friday, October 28, 2016

Visit to Lincolnshie Life Museum

On 20th October class 3 visited the Museum of Lincolnshire Life to experience a Victorian Day.
We had 3 groups and each group had a visit to a Victorian School room, a sessions using and learning Victorain street games, a sessions looking at and handling Victorian toys and a tour of the Victorian galleries.
At the museum before our activities start
My group had the street games first.

 a dice game


once a group had learned how to play their game, they then taught another pair how to play


skipping games and rhymes
keep the hoop rolling-not that easy!

Tilly liked this OXO game best of all.

Maddie liked the hoop.
Ben enjoyed the marbles.
Mrs Millars group.
some of the toys- a shoe doll.

wating to go to school- 1 penny had to be paid to the teacher

wating for lessons to begin

listening to how different school days were in Victorian times
collecting the pennies for Miss Rosling

learning about punishments
Tillie read a verse of a  poem before the class answered questions about it
Hollie read the next verse

slates were handed out

spellings were tested
handwriting using ink-no blotches were allowed!

copying the letters carefully

reciting times tables

lunch time- some brought a Victorian style lunch
sandwiches wrapped in brown paper

everyone dressed up and looked the part- even the staff!

more school room lessons 

boys ( who were considered to be more important) sat at the front.

pennies collected in- no penny= no school

handwriting using right hands only

street games

whip and top

last school room group

poor Sophie right at the back

Luke tried to write right handed even though he is left handed- as per Victorian rules

the sun came out for the last group and their street gamne session

practising hard...

and got it!

boys enjoying skipping

the dice game


Looking at toys...

in the gallery learning about the different houses and rooms according to different classes from lower to upper class

the nursery

the bedroom

the kitchen

the transport museum
exploring toys- who would have played with them?

what are they?

are they real or replicas?

our favourites

A great day- so much to see and do.