Friday, May 22, 2015

Lincoln Cathedral Church School Festival for year 6

Year 6 spent the day at Lincoln Cathedral together with 420 other year 6 children celebrating their time at primary school.
Children took part in different activities during the morning.

looking at some images of saints

we made an origami Bishop's Mitre
making straw crosses

a "halo " effect?

drama activities - performing our verse of a poem

working with other year 6 children

another verse of the poem performed by us
watching and listening in the Chapter House to the whole poem

Amelia worked with another school on her verse

watching the performance

quite dramatic!

bell ringing-taking first instructions

watching too

almost ready to have a go

Oops-nearly pulled the bell off the tower-pulled a bit too hard!

getting the hang of it-not as easy as it looks

Serena really had a knack and was the first one to independently ring her bell

my group melodiously working as a group producing a peal of bells

well done

hand bell ringing next...

a musical morning

waiting just before the service

our school banner being paraded during the service

Every school was given a candle to light back at school to remember our Church School Family.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Change for Life Club

Some year 5 and 6 children have undertaken training in "Change for Life" activities. Through Inspire+ we have had a bag of equipment provided and the children were trained to use the equipment and to run a weekly lunchtime club. The club runs every Wednesday. Her children are enjoying using some of the exciting new equipment.

Great fun.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Science and our new room displays.

In science we are learning about plants. Children had a selection of flowers are were challenged with naming the parts of a flower. There were clues such as names of parts- stigma, sepal, stamen etc, books and photos. Using magnifying lenses children carefully examined the parts that made up a flower and were able to name most of the parts correctly. The next step was to relate the parts to their functions- again successfully achieved as a class.
daffodils, primulas,wall flowers...

carefully pulling the flower apart to reveal the internal parts

Any hay fever sufferers were warned not o rub their faces and  to wash hands!
No sneezing was noticed! 

                                                            Some Botanists in the making!

Our New Room and some displays
We are all very happy to be settled back into our classroom and have already got several displays up.
In book week we were read "The Day The Crayons Quit"- a book about the crayons getting fed up with their jobs. Red crayon was over-worked colouring fire engines,hearts etc- he even had to work holidays colouring Santa! Yellow and Orange crayon argued over who should colour the sun, Green crayon too felt overworked with grass and dragons, but poor beige crayon felt rather left out and was lucky if they had  colour turkey at Christmas dinner! Class 3 took on the role of a crayon of their choice and wrote complaining about their jobs. We also wrote back with counter arguments pointing out to the crayons how lucky they were to be chosen to colour certain things at certain times. A super display was the outcome.
Even the drape has crayons on it. Worth a close up read if you are in class 3- please come and read some of our work.

Our maths learning wall and maths area.

Our Saxon Sutton Hoo masks made last term at the end of our Anglo Saxon topic.