Friday, May 30, 2014

RE Week-Clay tiles, visit to the church, and biscuits....and much more.

At the start of the week we visited the church- our aim in maths was to draw a  scaled plan of the church and church grounds so we had to measure carefully .
measuring and recording carefully

inside and outside

are you sure?

let's just check

team work

I'll measure, you record

As well as measuring  we looked at  and made notes about stained glass windows ready for creating our own versions- including biscuits!

Our stained glass biscuits were created by melting sweets in the middle of the biscuits- very clever and effective.

Year 5 led the Collective Worship telling the school about their perfect world.They read poems, showed power points, chose hymns and shared their drama activities.
sharing their power point presentaion



hymn with actions

more reading

everyone joining in

a thought provoking poem-created and read by the authors.

After our homework task -to design tiles to show our perfect world and how it will be in the future- we turned our images into clay tiles. Artist Richard gave us guidance and a range of tools to use and we spent the next few hours creating our tiles.
turning designs into reality

sharing ideas

Richard on hand to help when needed

using our designs to "trace " onto clay

nearly finished tiles

ready for second tile

pencils and fingers as useful tools

all engrossed in their work

almost done!

some work sitting down

                                                               others like to stand to work

                                          Everyone enjoyed creating and making their tiles.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

SAT's week for Year 6

Year 6 had  their SAT's last week and at the end of each day had a short Golden Time session.
Chosen activities were den building ( seems now to be a Y6 tradition after the tests), dance on the Wi, using the Smart Board and outside on the playground.

Looked like the O2 with the spikes on top of the dome!

 separate compartments and very comfy- cushions lined the floor.

a regal looking den

the girls had different ideas-drapes-lots of them!

pity we can't keep the classroom like this!

 time for some dance in the hall

 using the smart board

cricket, ankle skipping and giant chalks were used in this session
SAT's  week was not that bad after all!

Friday, May 9, 2014

People In Action

Our statues are finished, painted and displayed in dioramas-they look good. Some excellent detail inside the boxes-the spectators in one scene are made out of eggs with stars for their eyes-worth a look if you are passing class 3.
displays include dancers, rugby, boxing, football, javelin and weight lifters

an extra table was needed so more work could be displayed outside the classroom.

the collages also reflect people in action- falling, running, dancing...

Aztec mask making

In art we are making Aztec masks and have started this week covering our balloons with paper mache. The faces drawn on are so we leave these spaces free-easier than cutting out the eyes once the mask is finished or so that the nose area can be built up - as we have seen in photos of replica Aztec masks.

      we used a layer of petroleum jelly first to help when we pop and remove the balloon

                gloves were worn if children wanted to- to  stop fingers getting too gluey

( the displays/ bare boards in the classroom are covered in readiness for next week-SAT's -means all possible help/ clues needs covering over)

                                                                   just getting started

photos to follow of finished masks in a few weeks time.