Friday, June 19, 2015

RE -What can we learn from a sacred place?

On Wednesday we visited St Mary's Church as part of our topic thinking about sacred places.Before we went we had to think which place in school( inside or outside) was the: Most thoughtful place, the most peaceful and the most friendly.They also had to decide how to show this in a freeze frame style photo. After lots of ideas the class decided....
Class 3 was the most thoughtful place as we do lots of thinking there.

Bird Heaven was the most peaceful place as it is a small quiet area where not many people go .

The field is the most friendly place( after class 1-but we felt we could not arrive in Mrs Sutcliffe's room and set up our friendly poses especially during our Church School inspector was at the time visiting class 1! Mrs Sutcliffe told us she would not have minded proving that class 1 really is the friendliest place.
We then went across to church , exploring it and thinking about the same questions we answered earlier....
The most  friendly place-singing and smiling in the pews(Reverend Lillian told us this is the peoples area of the church)

The most peaceful place-a place where people were able to speak to loved ones who had died and were now at peace .

The most thoughtful place-reading the bible from the lectern.

We also had 1 more question to answer-which is the place where you feel closest to God?
We chose next to the altar- a sacred place that we were allowed to stand next to.
Children then had time to explore and use their senses-what could they: feel, hear. see. taste, touch, hear and smell?

Reverend Lillian and Mr Crozier were there to answer questions.

When we went back to school we discussed our findings and completed some super work responding to the question: What can we learn from visiting a sacred place? Our Church School inspector really liked our work-poems, stories, stained glass windows and wordles to name a few.
I look forward to displaying it in the classroom and adding it to the Blog.

Friday, June 12, 2015

DT -Yoghurt tasting, Maths and ICT.

In DT we are tasting different yogurts and evaluating them before we make our own. Great fun and tasty too!

I will have to ask why the laughter?!?

mmmm-not sure about this one

no-not my favourite!

very serious business food testing and tasting

after tasting we recorded our comments

ready to record as soon as tasted-pencil at the ready!

how good are DT lessons?

More Magic Square maths.

Dürer's magic square

The girls found out some fascinating facts relating to Dürer's magic square.
 It is a magic square with magic constant 34 .
  Dürer's magic square is located in the upper right-hand corner of an  engraving entitled Melancholia  by Albrecht Dürer . The numbers 15 and 14 appear in the middle of the bottom row, indicating the date of the engraving, 1514.
They found his birth date, his age and even his death date!

Yes!!! a simultaneous celebration of fact finding during our investigation

testing ideas on a white board

It's hard creating your own magic square!Thinking , checking and working it out...
3D visualising work investigations

using uni fix cubes to check

ICT work

enjoying testing and playing our own creations

creating own in the early stages

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Enterprise week money,maths and wheel chairs...

Following our enterprise event we counted our money and worked out how much profit we had made.
Each group had to deduct expenditure, present receipts and work out exactly how much profit they had made. Next steps will be to decide where exactly the money is going-some groups planned to send their money to charity, others wanted to buy items for school such as an out-door white board.

Maths-La Sagrada Familia

In Maths we have been looking at Magic Squares-no ordinary squares for class 3-the one carved on the wall of the cathedral in Barcelona-La Sagrada Familia .Here the square has a magic number of 33-why? The number of years it is believed that Jesus was alive on earth for. Why is the number 12 missing? We related this to the 12 disciples and Judas. We believe there are 33 separate facts within the square all relating to 33-we have not found them all yet!

each row, coulumn and diaganal total 33

there are 5 mini squares all totalling 33

consecutive numbers but No12!

add up all the numbers and divide by 4=33

What patterns can you find?
If you have visited the cathedral and seen the magic square please let us know-we'd love to hear about it first hand.

Wheel Chair PE training.
Angus our trainer talked us through how to use the chairs safely, what to do and what not to do.We didn't realise we had them for the rest of the term-we thought it was just today! 
how to move and steer

how to turn and stop

how to build up speed safely

time for stuck-in-the-mud

great fun now we feel confident using the chairs

taking turns

getting competent at catching and freeing each other

we have a book with lots of ideas and games we can use for the rest of the term

any final questions ? 

we also learned how to dismantle the chairs and stack them in the trailer 

10 chairs packed away until next session.