Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bike Wise-Year 5

Year 5 had 2 days of training working on and fine tuning their bike riding skills.
The weather on the first day was fine but on the second day the group worked in the wind and rain- important to be safe in all weathers-but not nice at times!
fetching our bikes 

all kitted out in helmets and high vis vests-ready for the road

checking our bikes


skills on the yard before we transfer our skills to the roads

all lined up, ready and listening

                      feeling proud of ourselves , our trainers from Inspire+ hiding in the background!

                                               We all know how to ride safely in the rain!

Even rain can' t dampen our spirits!

Well done all Year 5.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Victorian Day

Class 3 visited The Museum of Lincolnshire Life for a Victorian day.Everyone, including all teachers and teaching assistants, dressed as Victorians-from urchins, maids, rich and poor.We spent a session in the Victorian Schoolroom, a session looking at toys and games and a session touring the museum looking for clues on a trail through the domestic, commercial and transport sections of the museum.

                                One group in the schoolroom-awaiting instruction from their new teacher. Remembering to sit up straight -if they didn't a back board was their to help them!(It was not needed!)

Boys separate from the girls as they were more important!

Spellings on a chalk board
Behaving well( if misbehaviour- a label was to be worn round the neck-idle, fiddler, thief, name a few possible labels available)

Another group-oh dear- fusspot label for the rest of  the day!

Miss Wilder was not amused.
Holding the ink pens correctly.


Using the ink wells with real ink!
Handwriting lesson.
All paying attention.

Arithmetic next.
Times tables-remember no zero- it was not around in Victorian Times!
0 X 4=0,1X4=4,2X4=.....

Looking at some toys- a shoe doll.

A poor childs doll.

A cloth story book.

 a wooden painted cow-red paint as it was the cheapest!

a toy cannon

A chance for group 1 to play some of the games Victorian style.#
and now for playing some games-Hopscotch

a dice game

roll the hoop

not as easy as it looks


cup and ball-success!

Looking at the toys- group 2's turn to explore the toys.

Who would play with these?

I think...

mmm- farm animals are more sophisticated now. This has been carved by hand we think.

                      comparing dolls- the slipper doll and the elaborate dolls dress.-very different

discussing favourites

Who might have played with them?

playing with the toys
paper dolls were a great success
carefully packing the toys away ready for the next group

just making sure the mangle is working well

Time to play the games now

cup and ball

spin the hoop


marbles proved very popular
Back to the school room

sitting up straight backed
reading a poem

questions to follow
handing chalk boards out


everyone had to write using their right hands!

Holly normally is left handed-she managed well as a right handed child too!


copying out Mary Had A Little Lamb

no ink splodges please

                                               Now Holly is writing in ink with her right hand!
 George too had to use his right hand! He was proud of his writing too!

                                                                        Drill in class

Ready to leave the room-are your hand clean? No ink marks? Show me.

both sides please

                             Looking round the domestic exhibits and following the trail clues.
The Chemist


Basket makers

                                                        In the Transport section

The boys don't look out of place-their costumes fit the modes of transport well.

A super day out-so much to do, see and learn.