Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Favourite activities

Golden Time is fun. Each week there is always a group making towers and sculptures out of our stacking cups.
Can't get much taller than that! Georgie and Chloe were happy with their design.

Our 2nd week

We are now back in routine.Our new spelling unit has started.Our folders are now soooo much better than at the start of the year.Our Science  topic is  Plants. Here we have looked at the cross section of flowers and now know the main parts and their functions. We are  setting up an investigation to show what conditions plants grow best in. We are keeping a photo diary as part of our evidence.
In RE we are learning about the Bible. Last week Chloe brought a huge antique family version that was wonderful to look at( photo to follow). We had children bring in their Bibles that included a purple covered one and a graphic novel style.We had great fun navigating our way finding the "animals" in various chapters and verses.

On Monday several children gained an extra  treat - to reward their excellent behaviour-baking with Mrs Millar. Very tasty-gingerbread men and teddy biscuits..
Not sure why the pained expression? Hot gingerbread men? The thought of washing up? Or time to go back to class!

PGL visit

Amelia and Matthew enjoyed a weekend at PGL Caythorpe Court- a reward for perfect behaviour last year. Neither missed any Golden Time and as a result their names were put forward for this treat.
They both enjoyed their visit.

I wonder who will be nominated next year???

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sikh Temple Visit

At the end of last term we enjoyed a visit to the Sikh Temple in Leicester. We learned lots . It was good to see all the things we have talked about in class.
We were able to ask questions.

The museum had lots of paintings as well as models for us to look at. We recognised some of the scenes.
The kirpan- a cerimonial sword. We asked if it was worn all the time.
Reading the Guru Granth Sahib.
In the Langar-lots to eat.
We were very well looked after. We were offered so much food .

Most of us tried the traditional food-some opted for chips!


Last week our team played in the High 5 Netball Tournament.It was a very windy day and this hampered our scoring! We played 8 matches-won some ,lost some and drew lots- all in all a good effort against local schools.

Warming up before the matches.

We played well as a team, helping and supporting each other.
Looks a lovely sunny day - don't be fooled-it was not that warm- and was very windy-not ideal playing conditions.
Mid way through the afternoon.
A trophy and medals for winning all our league matches from earlier in the year.
 A good feeling.
During the  presentaions at the end of the day.