Friday, April 29, 2016

PGL visit for Dojo winners

Last week 12 children who gained the most dojos for the Spring term were rewarded with a morning trip to PGL to take part in archery and the Giant Swing!

Waiting for the leaders and keeping warm with a game of tig.
Archery first: the leader instructs the group giving a safety talk and instructions.

Children sit in the hut awaiting their turns.

Arthur taking aim

Rory getting ready

and aiming at the target

Isabelle and Elise next

and Matthew and Ben

Nathan's turn
Mrs Ross helping too


Jacob and Adam( I think! heavily disguised in warm clothes!)

Darcy and Ellen
And now for the Giant Swing.Children had to pull the ropes to get the swing high up then release it and....swing!

Safety hats and harnesses on.

Alex and Jacob getting ready to be lifted high prior to swinging

Elise and Isabelle

Nathan and Adam
how high?

smiling at the end!

it was fun!

Matthew and Rory

just hanging!

                                 pity we did not have time to do it again and go even higher!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earthquake - how to build earthquake proof structures.

For the last part of our Geography topic we had to  make structures that would withstand an earthquake. We had to construct our structures using cocktail sticks and mini marshmallows! Once we had built our structure we placed it on a bed of jelly and wobbled the jelly to represent the effect of the earth shaking during a quake!
constructing our structures

working out what shapes are stable

happy with the result

proud of the result

now for the earthquake...still standing so a good structure

 a few minor adjustment needed

almost there
happy- ready for testing

 testing to prove the structure is earthquake safe

many hands working to create the perfect structure

testing complete so time to record findings

Taking cover - true earthquake style- under the table as the earthquake starts!
a practical way to try to solve problems and create earthquake proof structures.