Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Small School Sports June 21st

 We took a team of  childen from year 2 to year 6 to compete aginst all other small primary schools on Friday 21st at the SKDC stadium. This is the first time we have competed at the stadium -11 schools so a bigger venue was needed.
We reached the finals of 12 out of 19 races-well done to all who reached the finals, and to those who were selected and participated well but just missed out by coming outside the top 3 places.
Our team waiting for the next round.
Certificates showing some who qualified for finals.
1st place sprint.
sack race final
egg and spoon final
potato race final
another finalist-Amy.
waiting for the results.
Our boys won the relay-Oliver, Matthew, Anthony and Sam W.
 Look out for photos when they get their medals.

Cricket update

Our team -minus John -returned to Gorse Lane to finish their matches that were rain delayed on June13th.
 We won!
 We beat The National School and so came 2nd in the tournament. The team was presented with their medals in glorious sunshine.(Typical-rain when I was there, sun when I was not!)

Thankyou to Mr Robinson for taking the team on 18th June when I was moderating at other schools.
Well done-runners up against all schools in  the Grantham area -not bad at all!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cricket tournamnet

On June 13th our cricket team took part in the Grantham tournament at Gorse Lane.It started as a nice sunny day but ended in a downpour. Rain stopped play!
In the first half of the day we won all our games and were top of our league with a maximum of 15 points. Grantham Prep. were the only other team that topped their league with 15 points. The National School and Allington topped their league with 11 points. After lunch we were in the play off for the top 4 places. We lost against Grantham Prep-shame as we had built up momentum in the morning. We then played Allington when the rain started and did not stop.
We are finishing our games on Tuesday18th as we now have a chance of qualifying for the next stage in the ASDA kwik cricket tournament.We really played well .

A sunny start-enjoying a good win .

Well played-good team spirit.

Ready for our next game-growing in confidence-we are good!
Not quite as warm now!Good job someone brought picnic rugs!
Wet! Sheltering after the downpour.Our successful team.
Watch this space for the update on 18th June.Fingers crossed.

Lincoln Cathedral Year 6 visit

On June 12th Year 6 spent the day in Lincoln Cathedral as part of the Church Schools Festival.. In the morning we were orienteering around the cathedral. We had a map and 24 areas to find. Once we found the areas we then had a clue to answer-great fun-navigating around the cathedral and learning about the building too.
in St Hugh's Chapel-what is the bird?
another clue found

checking answers

in the knave-counting the candles

Lunch in the cloisters.
Ready for the service - getting ready to present our school banner to the Bishop of Grantham.
James did a reading on our behalf. James has read in Marston church throughout his primary years so he was asked to represent the school in the service.

World War 2 and English lessons

Our history topic is World War 2 and we have linked our English to fit this theme.Our genre was play scripts.  Having looked at a WW2 poem we then learned how to turn this into a play script. We then wrote and performed our plays. It was a lovely sunny day and to make it more authentic we preformed them out on the school field. Lots of children brought in props-guns, hats, jackets- all to make our plays more interesting for the audience.
getting props ready...

in action...
lots of props to help...
more action...
the fallen...
WW2 -a modern version...
checking scripts
Afterwards we all evaluated our plays and performances and discussed what was successful and what could be improved.

Data Handling in Maths

Mrs Pask had a good way of engaging class 3 in data handling.Sweets for Y5and sport for Y6!
Y 5 had to count, tally and present their data using sweets. Y6 had to generate their own sports based data.
timing and tallying

sorting into colours

great fun-can we eat them?
collect, tally, present data...

Inspire + Olympic Legacy Tour

Last week was our turn to receive  and then hand over the torch as a reminder of the legacy of the Olympics.We were visited by children from Caythorpe School who read their pledge and handed the pledge book to us.We had a special collective worship with Chris Graves from Inspire + where he showed clips of sports and people that show  the Olympic Values.
Chris Graves with the ambassadors .

Blind fold catch-not as easy-a reminder of how visually impaired people show determination and courage in sport.
 The next day our Bronxe Sports Ambassadors went to Barkston Primary schoolwith Mrs Chadwick to pass our pledge.
 The 3 children shared how we at Marston have carried on using the Olympic values in our PE and sport.
Marston and Barkston's Bronze Sports Ambassadors handing over the pledge book.

Year 6 visit to PGL

On Monday June 3rd Year 6 went to PGL at Caythorpe to take part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities. They did High Ropes and Archery. As we were split into 2 groups we only have photos of the High Ropes.
We were very lucky as it was a sunny afternoon.
A good day...
high in the tree tops

steady does it
Who says heights are scary?
great fun...
waiting to cross the next part...
even better 2nd time round...
That's why it's called High Ropes!

Year 6 enjoyed their day.