Sunday, November 25, 2018

Dicey maths operations and Respect certificates in class 3.

We played dicey maths games to practice our division in maths this week. Children could choose 3 digit divided by 1 digit, 4 digit divided by 1 digit or 4 digit divided by 2 digit numbers. Next was to decide the scoring: closest to 100/ 1000 wins so 2 points, if the calculation is over 100/ 1000 deduct points...The dice was rolled and children had to fill the cells and then complete their calculations.Rounding and estimations were important to help decide where to put the numbers prior to the calculation.
Children chose their partners and checked they were both happy with their choice of short division.

checking both agreed with the answers...

discussing the maths...

A great way to end the week practising short division.
Respect certificates:
India and Zack received the same number of votes so both received their certificates in collective worship this week.

                                                               Well done both of you.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Pudsey and Children in Need in class 3.

Once again we dressed in Pudsey, spots, yellow or non uniform and  paid a £1 to go towards the Children in Need fundraising campaign.
Elspeth had baked 2 special cakes: Pudsey and Blush for the class to share.

Dividing the cake up for everyone to enjoy- thank you Elspeth.

We had special Pudsey maths activities that involved children working in pairs to solve various activities e.g. BIDMAS problems, Mental and written calculations with Pudsey clues and 12X12 times tables work .

Respect certificates

Our last few certificates were awarded in Celebrations Assembly on Friday and they went to :
Lloyd ( again- well deserved),


and Carise ( second time and again well deserved).

Sam Ruddock's Athletics master class and Emotion workshops.

We welcomed Sam from Inspire+  who visited us for the afternoon. KS1 had an athletics masterclass for all children who had not been moved down a cloud( Reception children chose whether to join the group or not).
Lots of fun warm up games...


                                    Tips and techniques( they worked as the javelins flew across the hall!)

A game at the end that used spacial awareness and thinking to try to collect the balls and put them in the teams bucket.

Great fun and even better when the scores were counted: 22 for each team.
Ks2 had a workshop learning about emotions: how they are expressed, how to recognise them and what to do ( good or bad).Year 5 worked together first acting out the cards , guessing what they were and sorting them into red, amber or green piles to discuss later.

Y 6 enjoyed the same sessions with Sam saying they were extremely good at saying all the different ways emotions could be expressed and how they affect people. He was impressed with their maturity and knowledge.

                          A fun and important session for Y5 & 6 with lots of discussion. Thank you Sam.

House Helper badges,Hymns and Remembrance celebrations.

Our new House Helper badges finally arrived so we presented them to the Y 6's.
Our first group of Play Leaders received their caps and badges for leading activities at lunch break.
In my collective worship we sang a hymn which had actions to it so some Y 5 & Y 6 children came to the front so everyone could join in.

On November 9th class 3 wrote their own Remembrance assembley with facts, poems and prayers all about the 100th Armistice day marking 100 years since then end of the First World War.

                                                                 Facts with photos...
What is special about the poppy...

lots of poems...

Well done everyone for helping to mark this special occasion.